This housing market is interesting, to be sure. That doesn’t mean it isn’t *workable*. In this type of environment – you need three things:
- The right OPTIONS
- The right TEAM
Luckily, with Highlands – you have all THREE! Let’s tackle these one-by-one, and when you’re ready – give your Highlands Loan Officer a call to breakdown your scenario and see if we can find the right fit for you.
It’s almost impossible to tune out the media noise declaring how bad the housing market is. It’s a challenging, and interesting, time for sure…but there are many factors that also make it an excellent time to buy! Home values are stabilizing and sellers are more willing to negotiate. The power has shifted BACK to buyers and that can change the picture significantly! Where you may have had to bid WAY over asking 6 or 9 months ago, reason has returned and sales prices (or seller concessions) are negotiable! Take a look at this quick comparison…
Ok – so it’s still a great time to buy, but is it a great time to FINANCE? There’s a ton of concern around higher rates, so let’s address those head-on.
With sellers willing to negotiate, one way to combat the higher rate challenge is to look at a Seller Paid Buydown. There are different flavors to this, but you can do a 3-2-1, a 2-1, or even a 1-0 buydown. A buydown takes seller paid funds to buy down your rate for the first few years of your loan! See example below.
Did you know you can actually pair that Seller Paid Buydown up with a Mortgage Rate Makeover? Through the end of the first quarter of 2023, if you purchase and close with Highlands, you can refinance later with NO LENDER FEES! So – if you are waiting for rates to come down, this could be your “insurance” to buy now and know you’ve locked in the property you want (and the price – home values will continue to steadily RISE) and get a lower rate later. Ever heard of date the rate, marry the house? This is it!
The Right TEAM
We just laid a lot on you – but ultimately, it comes down to YOUR goals and YOUR situation. Bring us your questions – and we’ll prep you for a smooth, stress-free experience that sets you up for success! Check out a few other highlights here on why you should partner with Highlands for your home financing!
- Experienced, caring originators. Check out our Reviews. We survey 100% of our closed clients and they tell the story best. We have your best interest at heart and want to find the right home financing for your situation!
- Easy to Use Technology: Our mobile app brings the whole loan process to the palm of your hand! Apply, securely upload documents, get status updates on your loan progress – even SIGN your documents digitally through the app! Our tech actually makes sense and is easy to use!